Some of you may recognize Adam from the 4_H Fair pictures now check out Adams senior pics. Here are just a few that I like. I had a good time and just can not believe how grown up he looks. Not the high school kid, but he is really turning into a great looking young man! WOW is all I could say when I saw a few looks that he gave me. Thank you mom, dad, and Adam for letting me bombard your space!!!!
I am a mom and enjoy seeing eyes! BUT if you want a cool graduation announcement go to my friend, Evan Parkers, blog which is located on the top right of my screen.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Here is a another cute song by Casey Jamerson along with some fun photos taken the past couple of weeks.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Football season is upon us! Here is Matt and Pat growing up UGH! It is hard to believe that both boys are in high school now.
Man I am short! Becca showed up before she went back to school for picture day at the football field.
The pyramid are the junior boys and cheerleaders! It is awesome to see that we have so many jrs. . AND they are pretty good too.
Matt has a truck now and that is what they are leaning on... just get out of his way who knows how he drives Ha!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Look at Austin our little farmhand! What a great young man! He was so fun to shoot and thought of some great ideas himself.
If anyone likes this song it is a new release by another one of our talented softball players, Casey Jamerson. It is titled "I Miss You Already." I cut out some of the song but you get the jest of the music. It is a wonderful little up beat piece and you can visit her website and purchase her CD.-----rochelle
here is her link:
ok here are just a handful of the 180 that I like. I have a video but I can not seem to get it to upload. I had so much FUN with Tiff, her mom, and grandparents! AND A BIG THANK YOU to g'ma and g'pa for putting up with us on your farm. Tiffany will remember this day forever! Can you see where the girls get there fun spirit from???????
AND yes she plays softball!!!!!!!!!! Don't they look pretty out of uniform?
Well tis the Season!!!!! Hope everyone is happy and healthy!!
if I do not return your phone please call me back.... sometimes my messages do get erased..... anyone with kids knows how true this is...
God Bless All and have a Joyous Holidays